Core Classes

Core Classes focus primarily on learning with a goal of expanding biblical-based knowledge of the learner. These short-term groups are organized in three broad categories: Biblical Studies, Theology, and Practical Theology.

Core Classes are offered on various days and times in order to provide multiple opportunities for members and guests to attend. So if a class is not offered at time that meets your schedule, it will likely be offered at another time in the future. Below you will find the Core Class offerings in each of the three categories.

Upcoming Classes

Sunday morning classes meet every Lord’s Day from 8:45 – 10:00am


Biblical Manhood and Womanhood | Sunday Mornings | Adam Braden | Room 301

Practical Theology

Membership Matters | Ongoing | Room 232 | Perry Garrett

Membership Matters is a unique class offered for anyone who wants to join or is prayerfully considering becoming a member at First Baptist Powell. You are not making a commitment to join just by attending the class. The class will provide information about our church structure, FBP history, and what we believe the Bible says regarding the importance of church membership. Learn more at

Wednesday evening classes meet from 6:30-7:45pm.

Romans | Wednesday Evenings | Tim McGhee | Room 241