

Be Respectful to Your Employer (Good or Bad)

Be Respectful to Your Employer (Good or Bad)

Over the last 40+ years, I’ve worked for countless employers and managers. It’s a little difficult for me to figure out when I actually started working. When I was a teenager, I worked on various fruit farms picking apples while spending Friday and Saturday nights...

Full of Faith – what does it mean?

Full of Faith – what does it mean?

There’s a popular contemporary Christian song where, with much excitement, deep expression, and a building crescendo, the singer sings, “I am a child of God!” It is an exhilarating and encouraging song that I love to sing alone in my truck – and trust me – you want me...

Peace With God, Peace From God

Peace With God, Peace From God

There are many things that are wrong with the world. We certainly don’t need to be reminded of that, do we? Spend just 15-minutes on any news channel and you’ll find all kinds of things that are wrong in the world, enough so that it can be very unsettling. This...


The Means of Laying Aside

The Means of Laying Aside

What are Discipleship Groups (D-Groups)? One year ago, Pastor Tim returned from his 10-week sabbatical. During this extended time away from FBP, his goal was to research and create a plan to increase discipleship within and among the body of this church. One of the...

Foundations of Generational Sin

Foundations of Generational Sin

I often hear in Christian circles, increasing concerns over the present state of the world and the downward trend of our nation away from God. Christians are stunned by the rapid acceleration  towards moral depravity that is blatantly visible. This isn’t a new...


Join the ESL Team

Join the First Baptist Powell ESL Team that serves at Norwood Elementary. We need childcare workers, teachers, and helpers. You do not need to be ESL certified in order to join our team! Classes begin Thursday, August 22. For more information, contact Janice Ramsey at...



One of the results of living in a post-modern age is that the concept of truth has become, to say the least, fuzzy. In fact, the proposition that there exists anything approaching absolute truth is questioned if not completely dismissed. This unwillingness to accept...

A Look Ahead at What 2018 Has in Store

A Look Ahead at What 2018 Has in Store

A few weeks ago, Tim McGhee announced our premiere initiative for 2018 called Op2Bless. Op2Bless is a call to every church member to, very simply, bless their neighbors by praying for them, listening to them, sharing a meal together, serving them in some capacity, and...


Vacation Bible School 2023 Recap

Vacation Bible School 2023 Recap

First Baptist Powell held its Vacation Bible School June 5-9th, 2023. We had 288 children register and 279 actually attend over the course of the week (this reflects a 13% increase from 2022). Our average daily attendance was 244. Of those who registered, 16 indicated...

Reflections from a Morning Run

Reflections from a Morning Run

This blog was written in early May. This morning was a major milestone for me. It was the first time I’d run through Powell innearly 10-months after suffering injury. As I ran again outside for the first time, I reflected onwhat it meant to me, and thought I might...

Wednesday’s word for women

From the Womb to the Tomb: Building a Culture of Life

From the Womb to the Tomb: Building a Culture of Life

"She keeps hanging on."  I remember hearing my dad's weary voice on the other end of the phone. I was in New Jersey and he was here in Tennessee. My grandmother, his mother, was actively dying of cancer. She was unconscious in a hospice center. I had never before...

The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference REcap: Part two

The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference REcap: Part two

Session: A Recap of the Keynote Sessions taught by Melissa Kruger, Jackie Hill Perry, John Piper, Jen Wilkin, Nancy Guthrie, Courtney Doctor, and Julius Kim Written by Brandie Satterfield I have a terrible memory.  Sometimes it is a blessing (what was I mad...

The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference: Recap part One

The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference: Recap part One

Dear FBP Women,  On June 16-18, six of us from FBP were able to attend The Gospel Coalition’s Women’s Conference. Over a period of three days, each of us attended seven keynote teaching sessions where speakers such as John Piper, Jen Wilkin, and others, taught on...