Individual, Marriage, and Family Counseling
For those seeking counsel, please complete the Intake Form here.
Once the Form has been completed and submitted, someone from our counseling staff will contact you to set up your initial counseling session. If you would prefer a hard copy of the form, you can download one here. This can be printed and mailed to First Baptist Church, 7706 Ewing Road, Powell, TN 37849 – Attention: Lay Counseling Ministry, or brought in person to the church office in a sealed enveloped addressed to Lay Counseling Ministry. All information, whether submitted in an online or printed format, will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Support Groups
First Baptist Powell offers various types of support group ministries, including DivorceCare, DivorceCare for Kids, Single & Parenting, and GriefShare. For more information about getting involved in one of these groups, please contact Dan or Janet Hawkins here.

January 13th-April 14th, 2025
Mondays | 6:30pm-8:30pm | Ministry House
It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare — a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. The biblically-based seminars feature a video, small group discussion, and a workbook. The workbook for GriefShare is $25.

January 16th-April 17th, 2025
Thursdays | 6:30-8:30pm | Ministry House
Separation and Divorce can be the most painful and stressful experiences that one can face. It’s a confusing time when you feel isolated and have lots of questions about issues you’ve never faced before. DivorceCare is a biblical, Christ-centered divorce support group ministry that meets weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Each session has three distinct elements: 1) 40-minute Video Seminar featuring top experts on divorce and recovery subjects, 2) Group Discussion, discussing the week’s video seminar and what is going on in the lives of group members, and 3) a Workbook to take video notes and complete short, daily homework exercises to encourage healing. Cost of the Workbook is $25.
For more information, please contact Janet Hawkins at 865-748-7828.