TOGETHER Capital Campaign

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What is the TOGETHER Capital Campaign?

The TOGETHER Capital Campaign is our effort to raise $1,085,000 to renovate our Main Worship Center. We’ve entitled it this way for a simple reason: we worship our Great and Almighty God in the Main Worship Center TOGETHER. We have been called to be part of his church TOGETHER. It is our responsibility, TOGETHER, to take ownership of improving this space so that the Lord may be honored and celebrated by his people. 

Why a Remodel?

Our Main Worship Center is 25 years old, and, given the high frequency of use during the year, it is in desperate need of remodel. This led our congregation to previously approve a $2.3M remodel proposal. After prayerful consideration, our church leadership decided to take another look at the design of the Main Worship Center in terms of purpose, function, style, cost, and consideration of the broader requirements and needs of our campus ministries. This resulted in a new proposal with a reduced scope of work detailed below.

What will be remodeled?

Congregational Seating Area: We will refurbish our pews with new hardwood/upholstery.

Flooring: The flooring will be replaced throughout the Main Worship Center and the hallway directly outside, mostly with carpet and some LVP.

Stage: The stage will be opened up, with the steps extending to the choir loft to provide more accessibility to the stage/altar.

Additional Design Elements: Our existing LED walls will be set into new vertical columns to eliminate the exposed structural framework. We will remove some of the existing trim work (recessed panel look) and provide needed repairs to produce smooth, freshly-painted walls and ceilings that will brighten the space. We will also add a mixture of stone and archistectural wood panels that blend nicely with a backlit timber cross above the baptistry.

What is the Cost of the Remodel?

The cost of the new project is $1,085,000, which is nearly a $1M decrease from the previous proposal. We’ve committed ourselves to pursuing this project with no debt. Given the project duration is only a few months, it’s important that we receive nearly all the funds prior to the project start. We are aiming to collect these funds in one year or less.

We are asking each church member/family to prayerfully consider how much the Lord is leading you to give so that we can accomplish this goal of raising $1.085M TOGETHER. There are approximately 400 family units at First Baptist Powell, which calculates to about $2,700 per family unit ($226/month ~ $52/week). Of course, we recognize that each family unit is very different in terms of household size, income, and living expenses. Our hope is that you will seek the Lord and give from your heart and for His glory. 

What is the Timeline for  the Remodel? 

    The original project schedule included vacating the Main Worship Center for 4-6 months. The new scope reduces the project duration to 8-10 weeks, ideally with only having to move Sunday services for 2-3 weeks.

    Please join us as we continue to prayerfully seek the Lord’s guidance on this project. We are excited about this opportunity to update our Main Worship Center and look forward to sharing more information with you as we move forward TOGETHER!