Forget-ness is Not Forgiveness

Forget-ness is Not Forgiveness

I’m sure that you’ve heard this popular saying before: “time heals all wounds.” It’s based on what we simply observe with the human body. If we suffer a cut that breaks or separates the skin, our belief is that if we wait long enough (10-14 days?), the body will...
Beautiful Loser

Beautiful Loser

Recently, I’ve been thinking about the time when I was a teenager during the late 1970’s. I find that I think about these things more often now that my rear windshield seems bigger than my front windshield. Accordingly, I find it amazing how songs I hear on the radio...
Be Respectful to Your Employer (Good or Bad)

Be Respectful to Your Employer (Good or Bad)

Over the last 40+ years, I’ve worked for countless employers and managers. It’s a little difficult for me to figure out when I actually started working. When I was a teenager, I worked on various fruit farms picking apples while spending Friday and Saturday nights...
Full of Faith – what does it mean?

Full of Faith – what does it mean?

There’s a popular contemporary Christian song where, with much excitement, deep expression, and a building crescendo, the singer sings, “I am a child of God!” It is an exhilarating and encouraging song that I love to sing alone in my truck – and trust me – you want me...
Peace With God, Peace From God

Peace With God, Peace From God

There are many things that are wrong with the world. We certainly don’t need to be reminded of that, do we? Spend just 15-minutes on any news channel and you’ll find all kinds of things that are wrong in the world, enough so that it can be very unsettling. This...
Be Angry and do Not Sin

Be Angry and do Not Sin

Welcome to the first topic of this blog series entitled the “Things I Need to Tell Myself.” I decided to follow the advice of “experts” and come up with something big for the first one, and I already feel exposed. Our topic comes from a verse in Ephesians...