The Real Good Life

The good life. What comes to mind when you hear these words? What do you picture? Maybe vacations, or smiles, or putting your feet up and taking a nap, or tons of money. I think of waking up each morning with a smile and loving words from others. Or maybe you’re also...

Breakfast on the Beach

Have you ever been told to try to do something different? Meaning, has anyone suggested to you another way that will supposedly work better than what you are currently trying? I have had many of these moments in my life simply because I over complicate things. There...
The Nails of Freedom

The Nails of Freedom

[Editor’s Note: This piece was originally written for the FBP Women’s Conference in February 2018. Each woman was given a nail to keep and have as a reminder of what Christ did on the Cross.] I remember when the movie, Passion of the Christ, came out. I...