Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Fellowship Hall

Men of First Baptist Powell are encouraged to attend our Men’s Prayer Breakfast Saturday, December 7th at 7am in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up at!

Men’s Winter Retreat

Carson Springs Conference Center 1120 Carson Springs Rd, Newport, TN, United States

FBP Men (6th grade and up) are invited to attend our annual Men’s Winter Retreat January 31st-February 1st, 2025 at Carson Springs Conference Center! This will be an intentional time to fellowship, worship, and encourage one another. Learn more at

Men’s Work Day

FBP Men are encouraged to join us to work on several projects on our church grounds, including clean-up and landscape maintenance. We will be trimming and removing bushes, removing weeds, spreading mulch, and working on the new Field Pavilion. Please bring your rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, and blowers. A Prayer Breakfast will be served at 7am, […]