DivorceCare Surviving the Holidays
Ministry HouseSurviving the Holidays is a one-night, two-hour session to help lessen the emotional impact of the holiday season for those who are separated or divorced. Register at fbcpowell.org/counseling.
Surviving the Holidays is a one-night, two-hour session to help lessen the emotional impact of the holiday season for those who are separated or divorced. Register at fbcpowell.org/counseling.
Sunday School groups meet every Sunday morning before the main worship service at 8:45am. Sunday School classes primarily focus on learning, but they are a wonderful entry point into the broader fellowship of First Baptist Powell. Sunday school is available for adults, students, and kids of all ages. Click below for current class offerings!
We will hold a new session of Membership Matters on Sunday mornings October 13th-November 17th for those interested in pursuing membership at First Baptist Powell. To sign up for the class, go to fbcpowell.org/membership.