Women’s Prayer Time
Women’s Prayer Time
Join the FBP Women for a dedicated prayer time at 4pm in North Wing A led by Kim Garrett!
Join the FBP Women for a dedicated prayer time at 4pm in North Wing A led by Kim Garrett!
Join us for our 4th Sunday Evening Worship Service February 23rd at 5pm in the Main Worship Center! This service will be led by First Baptist Academy students, highlighting our largest ministry. There will also be an Open House for prospective families at 4:15pm to learn more about FBA!
It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare — a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Sign up at the link below.
Everyone 50+ is encouraged to join the First Baptist Powell JOY (Just Older Youth) Choir; no musical background or experience necessary! The JOY Choir meets for rehearsal on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month. Throughout the year, they visit local assisted livings and nursing homes in the Knox County area to sing for the […]
Core Classes focus primarily on learning with a goal of expanding biblical-based knowledge of the learner. They meet for a designated period of time to study a specific topic. Click the link below to see the current Core Class offerings!
Our FBP Kids meet weekly, seeking to deposit the Gospel of Christ in the hearts of children with the goal of cultivating love for God and others. During the school year, K-5th graders take part in Children’s Choir, practicing Wednesday evenings and performing on designated Sunday mornings!
Our FBP Students meet weekly, working to fulfill our desire to see students awakened by the gospel and thrive within the local church. They play fun games together, build community, and study the Bible in a way that continuously lays the foundation for a lifetime of faith.
DivorceCare is a biblical, Christ-centered divorce support group ministry that meets weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Sign up at the link below.
Sunday School groups meet every Sunday morning before the main worship service at 8:45am. Sunday School classes primarily focus on learning, but they are a wonderful entry point into the broader fellowship of First Baptist Powell. Sunday school is available for adults, students, and kids of all ages. Click below for current class offerings!
If you are interested in becoming a member of First Baptist Powell, sign up for our next Membership Matters class on Sunday mornings February 2nd-March 9th! Register to attend at fbcpowell.org/membership. Membership Matters is a six-week class that walks through our mission, history, and beliefs.
It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare — a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Sign up at the link below.
Our FBP Kids meet weekly, seeking to deposit the Gospel of Christ in the hearts of children with the goal of cultivating love for God and others. During the school year, K-5th graders take part in Children’s Choir, practicing Wednesday evenings and performing on designated Sunday mornings!
Our FBP Students meet weekly, working to fulfill our desire to see students awakened by the gospel and thrive within the local church. They play fun games together, build community, and study the Bible in a way that continuously lays the foundation for a lifetime of faith.
Core Classes focus primarily on learning with a goal of expanding biblical-based knowledge of the learner. They meet for a designated period of time to study a specific topic. Click the link below to see the current Core Class offerings!
The Scotland mission team will be participating in a weekender in Glasgow March 7th & 8th, then will fly to the northern part of Scotland to serve with a new church plant. Mission tasks will involve light demolition, painting, serving in a soup kitchen, and distributing flyers in the community.
DivorceCare is a biblical, Christ-centered divorce support group ministry that meets weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Sign up at the link below.
FBP Men are encouraged to join us to work on several projects on our church grounds, including clean-up and landscape maintenance. We will be trimming and removing bushes, removing weeds, spreading mulch, and working on the new Field Pavilion. Please bring your rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, and blowers. A Prayer Breakfast will be served at 7am, […]
If you are interested in becoming a member of First Baptist Powell, sign up for our next Membership Matters class on Sunday mornings February 2nd-March 9th! Register to attend at fbcpowell.org/membership. Membership Matters is a six-week class that walks through our mission, history, and beliefs.
Sunday School groups meet every Sunday morning before the main worship service at 8:45am. Sunday School classes primarily focus on learning, but they are a wonderful entry point into the broader fellowship of First Baptist Powell. Sunday school is available for adults, students, and kids of all ages. Click below for current class offerings!
It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare — a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Sign up at the link below.
Everyone 50+ is encouraged to join the First Baptist Powell JOY (Just Older Youth) Choir; no musical background or experience necessary! The JOY Choir meets for rehearsal on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month. Throughout the year, they visit local assisted livings and nursing homes in the Knox County area to sing for the […]
Core Classes focus primarily on learning with a goal of expanding biblical-based knowledge of the learner. They meet for a designated period of time to study a specific topic. Click the link below to see the current Core Class offerings!
DivorceCare is a biblical, Christ-centered divorce support group ministry that meets weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Sign up at the link below.
Sunday School groups meet every Sunday morning before the main worship service at 8:45am. Sunday School classes primarily focus on learning, but they are a wonderful entry point into the broader fellowship of First Baptist Powell. Sunday school is available for adults, students, and kids of all ages. Click below for current class offerings!
It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare — a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Sign up at the link below.
Our Senior Adult Fellowship will meet on Tuesday, January 21st, at 11:30am in the FLC Cafe. Attendees should bring sandwiches or dessert (soups & beverages provided) and will hear from David Curran, a Powell resident who found out in his seventies that he had been switched at birth.
DivorceCare is a biblical, Christ-centered divorce support group ministry that meets weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Sign up at the link below.
Sunday School groups meet every Sunday morning before the main worship service at 8:45am. Sunday School classes primarily focus on learning, but they are a wonderful entry point into the broader fellowship of First Baptist Powell. Sunday school is available for adults, students, and kids of all ages. Click below for current class offerings!
Join the FBP Women for a dedicated prayer time at 4pm in North Wing A led by Kim Garrett!
It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare — a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Sign up at the link below.
Everyone 50+ is encouraged to join the First Baptist Powell JOY (Just Older Youth) Choir; no musical background or experience necessary! The JOY Choir meets for rehearsal on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month. Throughout the year, they visit local assisted livings and nursing homes in the Knox County area to sing for the […]
Core Classes focus primarily on learning with a goal of expanding biblical-based knowledge of the learner. They meet for a designated period of time to study a specific topic. Click the link below to see the current Core Class offerings!
Our FBP Kids meet weekly, seeking to deposit the Gospel of Christ in the hearts of children with the goal of cultivating love for God and others. During the school year, K-5th graders take part in Children’s Choir, practicing Wednesday evenings and performing on designated Sunday mornings!
Our FBP Students meet weekly, working to fulfill our desire to see students awakened by the gospel and thrive within the local church. They play fun games together, build community, and study the Bible in a way that continuously lays the foundation for a lifetime of faith.
DivorceCare is a biblical, Christ-centered divorce support group ministry that meets weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Sign up at the link below.
Join Don Rhodes and several other faithful team members as they prepare Tuckaleechee Retreat Center for the children who will attend camps each year. Email Don at dlrrhodes@att.net to sign up!
Sunday School groups meet every Sunday morning before the main worship service at 8:45am. Sunday School classes primarily focus on learning, but they are a wonderful entry point into the broader fellowship of First Baptist Powell. Sunday school is available for adults, students, and kids of all ages. Click below for current class offerings!
Our Quarterly Members’ Meeting will be held Sunday, March 30th at 6pm in the Main Worship Center. This time is intended for our members to come together to discuss important updates, prayerfully seeking the Lord’s direction for our church.
It hurts to lose someone. Find help at GriefShare — a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Sign up at the link below.