
Whether it’s your first time at First Baptist Powell, you’ve been several times before, or you’re still thinking about visiting, we’re glad you’re here! We consider it an honor and a privilege to welcome guests of all ages and backgrounds to our church. We hope if you’ve already visited that you felt right at home. Please click the button below to let us know how we can better serve you. We will never share your personal information or surprise you with a home visit. Please feel free to share as little or as much information as you feel comfortable with.

How do I get There?

7706 Ewing Road, Powell, TN 37849

FROM I-75: From the off ramp of Exit 112 (Powell/Emory Road), travel west on Emory Road for approximately 1 mile. Turn right to stay on Emory Road toward “Downtown Powell.” Turn right on Spring Street, then take another right onto Ewing Dr.

FROM CLINTON HWY: Travel east on Emory Road for approximately 1.5 miles. Turn left on Brickyard Rd, then right onto Spring Street for a quarter of a mile. Turn left onto Ewing Dr.

What Time Does It Start?

Sunday School: 8:45-10am

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:15-11:30am

Community Groups: Sunday Afternoons

Wednesday Evening Classes: 6:30-7:45pm

What will my kids do?

Our Children’s Ministry seeks to deposit the Gospel of Christ in the hearts of children with the goal of cultivating love for God and others. We welcome and encourage you to bring your kids to the Main Worship Service! We offer classes for children of all ages during the Sunday School hour, as well as childcare during the Main Worship Service for babies-2nd graders. On Wednesday evenings during the school year, our kids take part in Children’s Choir.

Our teaching style

At First Baptist Powell, we believe the best way to preach the Bible is expositionally, believing that every Word in the Bible is inspired and God-breathed, and therefore must be dealt with accordingly. We believe in the authority of the Word, and we proclaim it without hesitation. When you leave the service, you can know you have heard the Word of God preached, and then you are able to apply Biblical truths to your life which will bring you into closer fellowship with Jesus Christ and believers. You will hear the Gospel proclaimed boldly and without reservation.

sunday service liturgy

We are under the conviction that our faith is shaped not only by the content of our service, but also the order itself. Here at FBP, the gospel shapes our worship service order. The content of our liturgy (songs, prayers, scripture readings, etc.) is gospel-saturated as we worship Jesus. Our music is accompanied by our band and draws from a wide range of songs, both historic and new. Scripture readings are led by various members of our church, our elders, and our pastors. During various seasons throughout the year such as Advent and Holy Week, our orchestra and choir will also join in leading us in worship through song.

joining the church

Membership Matters is a unique class offered for anyone who wants to join or is prayerfully considering becoming a member at First Baptist Powell. You are not making a commitment to join just by attending the class. It is taught by Pastor Perry to give those interested in joining our church family information about the church structure, FBP’s history, and what we believe the Bible says regarding the importance of church membership.