Camp Tuckaleechee Mission Trip

Tuckaleechee Retreat Center 160 Bear Lodge Drive, Townsend, TN, United States

Join Don Rhodes and several other faithful team members as they prepare Camp Tuckaleechee for the children who will attend camps each year. Sign up at the link below!  

Camp Ozone Mission Trip

Camp Ozone 232 Camp Ozone Rd, Rockwood, TN, United States

Join Don Rhodes and several other faithful team members as they prepare Camp Ozone for the children who will attend camps each year. Sign up at the link below!

Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go Mission Trip

Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go 111 Cbm Camp Rd, Watauga, TN, United States

Join Don Rhodes and several other faithful team members as they prepare Camp Ta-Pa-Win-Go for the children who will attend camps each year. Sign up at the link below!