Men’s Cookout

Athletic Field

Men of First Baptist Powell are invited to attend our Men's Cookout on July 15th from 5pm-8pm! There will be food (burgers, brats, beans, and potato salad), games (cornhole, kickball, etc.), and fellowship with one another. Sign up on our Men's page!


Men’s Prayer Gathering

The Point

All men are encouraged to attend a Men’s Prayer Gathering each Tuesday through the month of July. These gatherings will take place at 7am in The Point and will be an intentional time of testimony and prayer for the men of First Baptist Powell.


Men’s Prayer Gathering

The Point

All men are encouraged to attend a Men’s Prayer Gathering each Tuesday through the month of July. These gatherings will take place at 7am in The Point and will be an intentional time of testimony and prayer for the men of First Baptist Powell.