Women on Mission Enlistment Dinner

Fellowship Hall

Join the Women on Mission for their 2024 Enlistment Dinner on Thursday, September 5th at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Tim McGhee will be the guest speaker. Sign up in The Point on Sunday mornings or by calling (865) 414-7906.

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Fellowship Hall

Men of First Baptist Powell are encouraged to attend our Men’s Fellowship Breakfast Saturday, June 1st at 7am in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up at fbcpowell.org/men!

Widow/Widower Spring Banquet

Fellowship Hall

Our Widow/Widower Spring Banquet will be held Sunday, April 21st at 12:15pm in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Tim will be the guest speaker at the event, and reservations to attend can be made by calling (865) 945-3366 by Sunday, April 14th.