“he says: ‘It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel; I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.'”

– Isaiah 49:6


We believe one of the key characteristics of a healthy disciple of Jesus Christ is going with the Gospel. God has called all His children to share the Gospel boldly, expecting Him to bring to faith those who hear the Gospel, and to make disciples of those whom God saves. In order to encourage and facilitate broad involvement in going with the Gospel, First Baptist Powell offers a variety of missional opportunities here (local), near (North America), and far (international). 


The GO (Global Outreach) Conference is a celebration of missions and evangelism. It allows the members of First Baptist Powell to meet many of our mission partners who serve locally, in other parts of the United States, and around the world. As a church, we directly partner with over 30 organizations and family groups, providing financial, physical, spiritual, and emotional support. We commission 15-20 Go Teams a year to various parts of the world, seeking to bring unbelievers into a saving relationship with Christ.


Join us October 25th-27th as we honor what God has done through First Baptist Powell in the work of missions and evangelism and prepare for what is to come this year!

Weekend Schedule


6:30-8pm | Evening Worship Service


10:30-11:45am | Breakout Sessions/Children’s Mission Adventure
12-1:30pm | Church Potluck
6:30-8pm | Evening Worship Service


8:45-10am | Missionary Guest Speakers in Sunday School
10:15-11:45am | Morning Worship Service

Breakout Sessions

Engaging the Nations in Knox County | Bonita Wilson, Knox County Association of Baptists | Room 250

Church in Hard Places | Chris Spalding, 20schemes (Scotland) | Family Life Center 1

Wholistic Discipleship | Brian Belser, Men of Valor | Room 241

Cross-Cultural One-on-One Disciple-Making | Abbey, Central Asia | Family Life Center 2

Sharing the Gospel with the Next Generation | Mason Leaf, University of Tennessee Campus Outreach | Room 231



*Picture and last name intentionally omitted to protect missionary safety.

Brandon was born and raised in Gatesville, Texas, and he and Pastor Perry are lifelong friends.  He received his undergraduate degree from The Master’s University in Santa Clarita, California and his Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in North Carolina. Before becoming a full time missionary, he served at a church in Pennsylvania as the Senior Pastor.  Brandon is married to Heather, and they have three children: Grace, Sophie, and Hudson.

Davy Lee

Davy serves as the Senior Pastor at Center Baptist Church in Omaha, Nebraska. He grew up in Oklahoma and came to the Omaha area in 2009 through the Navy. He earned his Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and PhD from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Erica, and they have five children. Davy is passionate about the Great Commission and hopeful for Gospel-centered reformation in the life of the church in North America. He loves to see the Spirit work in the local church and is also passionate about training future church leaders. 

Perry Garrett

Perry has served as the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Powell since 2020. Prior to moving to Tennessee, he served as the Senior Pastor at Grace Bible Church in Gatesville, Texas for 12 years. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from The Master’s University, a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, and is working to complete a PhD in Early Christian Studies from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to Tanna, and they have three children: Madeline, Titus, and Micah. He is passionate about Christ and the church and desires to serve them in all pursuits.

Sunday School Class Schedule

On Sunday morning, each of our missionary guests will be speaking in different Sunday School classrooms. We encourage you to attend a class based on the missionary that you would like to listen to.

Jones Class | Abbey, Central Asia | Room 240

Patton Class | Lindsey Ward, Chile | Room 250

Cutshaw Class | Brandon, Middle East | Room 231

Atchley/Belser/Douglas Class | Chris Spalding, 20schemes (Scotland) | Ministry House 3

9th-12th Girls & Boys Classes | Kristin Duvall, Awaken City Church (Utah) | Room 305

Buchanan Class | Jamie Wynn, Grace Harbor Church (Massachusetts) | Room 241

T. McGhee Class | Davy Lee, Center Baptist Church (Nebraska) | Student Center

Young Adults Class | Rodney Norvell, UT Baptist Campus Ministry & Mason Leaf, UT Campus Outreach | Family Life Center 1

Pope Class | Brent & Beth Woodard, Children’s Bible Ministry (Camp Ozone) | Family Life Center Cafe

Belue Class | Sandy Bradshaw, Choices Resource Center | Room 233

Hawkins Class | Bonita Wilson, Knox County Association of Baptists & Stanley Roach, TN Baptist Disaster Relief | Room 304

Grooms Class | Brian Belser, Men of Valor | Fellowship Hall 

Children's Mission Adventure

Our FBP Kids will be going on a Mission Adventure at the GO Conference! During the breakout sessions, they will rotate between four stations with fun activities and lessons led by First Baptist Powell mission partners. Sign your preschool-elementary-aged children up below. Middle and high school students are encouraged to attend the regular breakout sessions.

Awaken City Church in Herriman, Utah – Kristin Duvall | Room 303

Santiago, Chile – Lindsey Ward | Room 302

Children’s Bible Ministry – Brent & Beth Woodard | Room 304

Children's Mission Adventure Registration

Go Conference






