

Be Angry and do Not Sin

Be Angry and do Not Sin

Welcome to the first topic of this blog series entitled the "Things I Need to Tell Myself." I decided to follow the advice of “experts” and come up with something big for the first one, and I already feel exposed. Our topic comes from a verse in Ephesians 4, which...

Things I Need to Tell Myself

Things I Need to Tell Myself

I’ve decided to start a new blog series. The title for this series is the “Things I Need to Tell Myself." The reason for this title is simple: I find that I need to tell myself many things, very often. This isn’t new to me. In fact, for the most part, the things I...


Another Brick in the Wall

Another Brick in the Wall

We’re in the first few days of 2021 – a brand new year – after a difficult and tumultuous 2020. However, as I reflect, my mind is not drawn to last year, but much farther back, even four decades. It’s hard to imagine that on this day 40-years ago, 1980 had just ended...

Mary Sets the Example

Mary Sets the Example

Christmas Day ended a few days ago. The presents have been opened. The holiday dinner (so good!) consumed. The family has gone home. No more Christmas music playing on the radio. The unusual TN snow giving us a white Christmas has melted. Holiday cheer is now a...

For Whose Glory: A Glance at People-Pleasing

For Whose Glory: A Glance at People-Pleasing

I am a people-pleaser. There, I said it. For me, it stems from early periods of life where I felt the need to fight for approval. Tragically, even today, I feel the need to. It is ridiculous when I think about it, however. As my wife has lovingly reminded me, not only...


#OP2BLESS:  Christ Transformed Lives in a Rapidly Changing Culture

#OP2BLESS: Christ Transformed Lives in a Rapidly Changing Culture

Recently, our church adopted a new mission statement.  The purpose of which is to succinctly state our primary means of fulfilling the Great Commission.  Our mission statement reads: First Baptist Powell exists to invest in and equip the next generation to live...


My Grace is Sufficient

My Grace is Sufficient

My Grace is Sufficient 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.  So I take...

Pandemic & Prayer

Pandemic & Prayer

Recent research has shown that Google searches for prayer have increased to the highest level ever on record during the current pandemic.  Looking at data across 95 countries, searches for information on prayer rose dramatically regardless of income and other...

Exposing + Breaking Down Idols

Exposing + Breaking Down Idols

The first half of this new decade has been unordinary, to say the least. We’ve experienced a pandemic, societal unrest, breaking news by the minute, murder hornets, dust storms, and toilet paper shortages, just to name a few. When COVID-19 started to escalate and the...

Wednesday’s word for women

My Sheep Hear My Voice and They Follow Me

My Sheep Hear My Voice and They Follow Me

We are living in a generation filled with voices … too many voices. It seems to me the last 3 years have filled everyone’s life with an overabundance of conflicting, divisive, gut wrenching information. All this commotion coupled with a world that is upside...

Help With My Bible Reading: Poetry As An Aid

Help With My Bible Reading: Poetry As An Aid

Thanks, Mom Though I love to read, I wouldn’t have called myself a lover of poetry in the past. It seemed a little esoteric and beyond reach. Little did I realize how much I needed it. My latest interest in poetry has come to me, as many things do, by my mother....

Lesson Learned (Again)

Lesson Learned (Again)

Have you ever been in a situation where God taught you a valuable lesson in an unconventional way? I find myself in these situations often, and it always makes me praise the Lord that I serve a God who is greater than the box I often try to fit Him in. God is able to...