Join the ESL Team

Join the First Baptist Powell ESL Team that serves at Norwood Elementary. We need childcare workers, teachers, and helpers. You do not need to be ESL certified in order to join our team! Classes begin Thursday, August 22. For more information, contact Janice Ramsey at...


One of the results of living in a post-modern age is that the concept of truth has become, to say the least, fuzzy. In fact, the proposition that there exists anything approaching absolute truth is questioned if not completely dismissed. This unwillingness to accept...
A Look Ahead at What 2018 Has in Store

A Look Ahead at What 2018 Has in Store

A few weeks ago, Tim McGhee announced our premiere initiative for 2018 called Op2Bless. Op2Bless is a call to every church member to, very simply, bless their neighbors by praying for them, listening to them, sharing a meal together, serving them in some capacity, and...