Ancient of Days

Ancient of Days

This past Sunday, we sang a new song during Sunday worship entitled “Ancient of Days” by City Alight. While the song was new to me, the phrase “Ancient of Days” is not. The Ancient of Days is a title for our great and mighty God. It is my favorite title for God, and...
Let Peace Rule in Your Hearts

Let Peace Rule in Your Hearts

I have seen much that has troubled me in these many months. Not only me, but many of my friends, our community, even the whole world. The entire world has been racked by the coronavirus. Our country has been torn apart as we’ve counted deaths from Covid-19 and racial...
Life in a Washing Machine

Life in a Washing Machine

During a Black Friday sale last year, Cindy and I bought a new washing machine. We decide to replace our front loader with a top loader. One surprising feature of our new washing machine is that it has a clear glass lid. Therefore, you can see what’s happening to the...
Reflections from a Morning Run

Reflections from a Morning Run

This blog was written in early May. This morning was a major milestone for me. It was the first time I’d run through Powell innearly 10-months after suffering injury. As I ran again outside for the first time, I reflected onwhat it meant to me, and thought I might...
Everything Changes

Everything Changes

Every Few Years… Everything Changes As I sit here in my office, on the 3rd of a new year – a new decade, I’m reminded of one simple truth I learned long ago. Every few years… everything changes. It’s true… an absolute fact. Unchangeable. Unstoppable. No matter your...