Freed To Live Free

Freed To Live Free

I always hated being told the definition of “insanity.” Growing up playing sports, my father always told me: “Hunter, what you’re doing is insane. You’re doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.” The most frustrating part about it though...
It’s okay to be different

It’s okay to be different

Sometimes it’s painfully obvious I’ll never be one of the cool kids. I’ll never have the right clothes or be in the right crowd. We all pursue “fitting in” and “being accepted” but end up short. But that’s okay. We’ll never fit in. Ever. As believers, this world is...
Revival According to Judges

Revival According to Judges

FBP STUDENTS have been going through the book of Judges on Wednesday nights in a series titled The Gospel According to Judges. In the stories of each judge, we see the same repetitious cycle: 1) The people of Israel do evil in the sight of the Lord and forget his...