Bless the Children

Bless the Children

In recent weeks my heart has been broken as I have witnessed the continued moral decay of our culture. Beyond the horrible rancor that has become commonplace in American politics we are witnessing a rapid decline in the very moral fabric of our society. In less than a...
Making the Most of this Time

Making the Most of this Time

Life as we know it has changed right now, whether that is directly or indirectly. For many of us, COVID-19 has slowed us down or brought our busy lives to a screeching halt! What we find are our families being asked to stay at home, in an extraordinary way, not only...
Freed To Live Free

Freed To Live Free

I always hated being told the definition of “insanity.” Growing up playing sports, my father always told me: “Hunter, what you’re doing is insane. You’re doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.” The most frustrating part about it though...
“Lord, make her more like Yourself.”

“Lord, make her more like Yourself.”

That is part of my prayer for my oldest daughter almost daily. But do I really mean it? Recently I came face-to-face with this question in a way I had not envisioned (isn’t that always the way it works?). She had auditioned and earned one of the four solos in her...
Husband… Save Your Marriage. Save Your Church.

Husband… Save Your Marriage. Save Your Church.

For a long time, many have talked about the disintegration of our American society in terms of core beliefs and values. Many have wondered why and how we got to where we are culturally, so fast. Bringing it closer to home, many Christians see similar disintegrations...