international Missions

partner organizations

international mission board

The International Mission Board exists to partner with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.

southeast asian peoples

In 2010, First Baptist Powell adopted a large Unreached People Group located on a prominent island in Southeast Asia.  Since that time, we have partnered with workers from the United States to impact this Unreached People Group with the gospel.


Maples Family:

As the Maples family served First Baptist Powell through leadership, short-term missions, refugee and international ministry, and children’s ministry, they prayed for clarity and direction from the Lord as they felt a clear call to international missions. God grew their faith and used many situations, ministry opportunities, and mentorship to prepare them to serve Him in East Africa.

The Maples serve with Redeemer Bible Church, a church plant, in Kenya. Their desire is to passionately proclaim the gospel in their city through:

  • Campus outreach among the 20,000 students in 7 major universities within 20km of the church. 
  • Connection/Evangelism/Discipleship through International Student Ministry reaching international students (representing 30 nationalities).
  • Training local youth leaders in Redeemer Bible Church.
  • Evangelism and discipleship among youth/young adults/singles at Redeemer Bible Church.
  • Sports Outreach evangelism and discipleship among coaches and youth in settlements within the city.

Salama Baptist Orphanage:

In the early 2000s, First Baptist Powell began a partnership with Pastor Gideon Makuthi, of Salama Baptist Church, Kenya. Over the past 20 years First Baptist Powell has sent multiple teams and hundreds of volunteers to work with Pastor Gideon and the members of Salama Baptist Church. In the mid-2000s Pastor Gideon founded the Salama Baptist Orphanage and Academy. Since that time First Baptist Powell has continued to be a key financial partner in this ministry.


Eli & Katie (Folden) Guiltner serve as missionaries with BMFP on the field in Japan, which is the least-Christian nation in the 10/40 window (of open countries).  The area they work in has a large and growing elderly population, a high suicide rate, and very few missionaries. Pray for Eli & Katie as they serve together to take the Gospel to “forgotten peoples.”

south asia

In 2004, First Baptist Powell adopted a large unreached people group in South Asia, and in 2017 we partnered with international and national partners to bring strategic training to the believers and churches of the city in order to lead to evangelism, disciple making and church planting. For more information on South Asian peoples click here.

In 2022, we partnered with Kingdom Church Network in South Asia. The purpose of this network is to unite churches in South Asia that refuse to compromise the Word of God while fulfilling His global mission. For more information click here.

Central Asia

In 2022 the Lord is opening doors for new partnerships in Central Asia. The work here will be among unreached peoples.


Since 2019, we have partnered with Pastor Eric as he has worked to plant a church in Santa Elena, Guatemala. Pastor Eric seeks to share the gospel in this predominantly Roman Catholic area through ministry at local schools, nursing homes, and with the local police.


After partnering with the Ngs in a mega-city of East Asia, we are continuing to partner with the Ngs now in Taichung, Taiwan as International Mission Board missionaries. This partnership includes prayer, short-term teams and giving. The Taichung City Team uses short-term teams to reach the lost on university campuses and in outreach activities with Baptist churches on the island. 

Taiwan is 1/5th the size of Tennessee and has triple the population of Tennessee, with 23 million people. The Taichung and surrounding area has 7 million people, more than the entire state of Tennessee. The Taichung City Team works closely with existing Baptist churches and pastors/leaders to train Christians in how to love on and share the Gospel with family members and friends in their oikos, or circle of influence. The Team also reaches out weekly on five university campuses with English activities and games, with the goal of establishing outside opportunities to eat and talk and share Jesus. 

Whether leading evangelism trainings, hosting pastor retreats, praying and encouraging leaders, witnessing on college campuses, or meeting felt needs of those in the community, the Taichung City Team ministers to reach the lost and build up the church. First Baptist Powell is excited to be a part of this ministry and looks forward to the time when international tourists are allowed back in Taiwan.  

Look for an opportunity to join a short-term team to Taichung in 2023!

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